It can be quite overwhelming when you first sit down to take a look at your student loan debt and see how much the debt has grown since you graduated. You can spend so much valuable time researching repayment options, forgiveness programs, and plans to reduce the interest, only to feel like you've been simply spinning your wheels and making no progress.
This is where WealthScope Financial can help. While you can do many of the things that a trained professional can do, getting help from a trusted resource who knows the process and can help you devise a strategy that works best for you, just makes sense.
When is an ideal time to get started?
The best time to begin speaking with an advisor about your student loans, is after graduation, but before you begin repayment. Two main factors that impact student loan debt are their choice of profession and type of repayment plan.
WealthScope Financial can help
Even if you are feeling overwhelmed by your student loan debt, we can help you create a strategy to simplify the whole process.
It helps to have a general idea about the ins and outs of your loan such as:
Terms of the loan, including principal, annual percentage rate (APR) and amortization
How much the borrower will have to pay each month to eliminate debt in a reasonable amount of time
What the borrower’s options look like for repayment
And once you are ready to have an initial discussion, simply follow the link below to start. There is no cost to schedule a consultation, so contact us today.
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Lehigh Valley, PA • 908.386.6250 • LinkedIn
1550 Pond Road, Suite 140, Allentown, PA 18104